Market Status: Closed
  Wednesday, 12 Feb '25
   00:06:09 (BST)

01 January, 2024, Dahka :

  On 01 January 2025, Mr. Khondoker Rashed Maqsood, Chairman, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has inaugurated the “Submission Status of Financial Statements of Listed Companies’’ module of Dhaka stock Exchange PLC.(DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC. (CSE). Through this module, the investors or any interested party(s) can see the status of submission of financial statements of listed companies.

 Honorable Chairman of BSEC mentioned it as a landmark achievement on governance of listed companies and congratulated all relevant stakeholders i.e. Commission, DSE and CSE who worked on the project on successfully implementsing the module on the first day of the year 2025.

 In that program, among others, Mr. AKM Habibur Rahman, Chairman, M. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar, FCA, FCMA, Managing Director, Mr. Mohammed Mahadi Hasan, CFA, Chief Regulatory Officer and Mr. Hasnain Bari, Deputy General Manager & Head of IT Services, of Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC.  and Mr. A.G.M. Sattique Ahmed Shah, Managing Director (Acting), Mr. Khairul Bashar Abu Taher Mohammed, Chief Regulatory Officer and other executives of Dhaka stock Exchange PLC.  were also present. On behalf of the commission, Mr. Kamrul Anam Khan, FCMA, Executive Director, Mr. Md. Abul Kalam, Director, Mr.  Mohammad Siddiqur Rahman, Additional Director, were present along with other officials.

CSE Chairman, Mr. Rahman Also appreciated the commission, CSE and DSE on this remarkable and successful inauguration.



For Details

Tania Begum

AM- P &CR, Exchange Branding Department

Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC

Cell: 01760745736

| January 01, 2025 |